Do Nothing Tornado Cake

BE PREPARED for this cake! Its one of the easiest and most delicious cakes you can make- everyone loves it! I have seen different variations of this cake floating around the net for awhile now- I HAD to try it! . . I poked some holes in my cake before I poured the 'topping' over it - so it would soak through and each bite would have the incredible flavor throughout! . I used pecans but you can definitely use walnuts or almonds if you would prefer! OR leave them out all together! . Original 'do nothing cake' is a

BE PREPARED for this cake! Its one of the easiest and most delicious cakes you can make- everyone loves it! I have seen different variations of this cake floating around the net for awhile now- I HAD to try it! . . I poked some holes in my cake before I poured the 'topping' over it - so it would soak through and each bite would have the incredible flavor throughout! . I used pecans but you can definitely use walnuts or almonds if you would prefer! OR leave them out all together! . Original 'do nothing cake' is a

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